Dr Cate was amazing at explaining the various treatment options available given that lymphoma is terminal and there is no cure. After careful consideration given Jazz’s age (she had just turned 12yrs old) and the fact she had been diagnosed with bone cancer the previous year along with having ACL surgery, I opted for single agent chemotherapy treatment which would give me approximately another 6mths with my baby girl.

Jazz’s treatment involved receiving chemotherapy every fortnight for 3mths with the cost of treatment being anywhere between $1400-$1800 each fortnight (depending on if she needed anti nausea medication, light sedation, antibiotics etc). Even though I knew I was going to do whatever it took to help my girl, the bills/costs were daunting on top of what was an already very distressing situation and I did sometimes wonder how I would cover everything even though I had taken out pet insurance when I rescued Jazzie at 2yrs old.

Thankfully as Beachside Vets had GapOnly available in clinic and Pet Insurance Australia covered around 80% of her treatment costs each fortnight, I was able to budget more effectively instead of having to come up with a big lump sum payment after every treatment. Decisions regarding her treatment were made so much easier for me and I could focus more on caring for Jazzie and spending quality time with her.

Sadly even though Jazzie went into remission after her first treatment and after having the best 6mths ever, her cancer came back even more aggressively and I made the tough decision to let her gain her wings and cross the rainbow bridge. I cannot thank Dr Cate, Alex and the entire team at Beachside Veterinary Services for everything they did for Jazzie and always taking such great care of her (and me as well), they are family and Jazzie just loved her aunties so much.

Again having GapOnly in the clinic meant I didn’t have to stress dealing with the insurance company at such a difficult time, everything was processed whilst I waited for Jazzie’s ashes and I settled everything when I collected her.

I’m hoping that by sharing Jazzie’s story/journey it might help other pet parents go that extra mile for their pet when needing to make hard decisions about treatment options (or even getting treatment in general) and perhaps also those who don’t have pet insurance may consider getting it.”

Dani and Jazz, proud Pet Insurance Australia and GapOnly® customers, July 2023.     

Testimonials and customer experience may vary depending on individual circumstances. Claims are assessed subject to policy terms and conditions. GapOnly® is a trademark owned by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd (PetSure). Policies are issued by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd and/or PetSure (from 8 May 2023 only). Consider the PDS & TMD before purchasing, available at our partners’ websites. Meet our partners at gaponly.com.au/gaponly-insurance-partners.