“Our beautiful ginger cat Tortoro became unwell in March and deteriorated quickly over 24 hours. We took him to ARH Essendon Fields and he was a very sick cat, ending up having to stay in for over a week including part of the time in intensive care unit with his condition and with tests and even surgery.

We were extremely concerned and distressed and on top of the emotional worry about whether he could get better, we had the financial concerns of a stay in vet hospital.

We were really relieved to find out about the [GapOnly] policy that our vet insurance and the hospital offered, otherwise we would have had to redraw heavily on our mortgage.”

Patricia and Tortoro, proud Bow Wow Meow Pet Insurance and GapOnly® customers, March 2023.     

Testimonials and customer experience may vary depending on individual circumstances. Claims are assessed subject to policy terms and conditions. GapOnly® is a trademark owned by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd (PetSure). Policies are issued by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd and/or PetSure (from 8 May 2023 only). Consider the PDS & TMD before purchasing, available at our partners’ websites. Meet our partners at gaponly.com.au/gaponly-insurance-partners.