“Suki was very ill, and it took a while to diagnose. You can see how ill she was and the vet said it was a miracle she is still alive. The picture taken on Friday running with the ball shows just how much she has improved.

We were extremely lucky to have health insurance. We have no idea how Suki ended up with a lung lobe torsion, resulting in an expensive series of tests and surgery for a lung lobectomy. She also had post surgical complications with Chylothorax and needed her lungs drained of fluids, so more visits to SASH.

We never knew how expensive it was going to be *we have used our entire yearly cover*. GapOnly made a huge difference to our peace of mind at this highly emotional time. I can’t stress how important pet cover is, and RSPCA cover has been wonderful through all of this.

PS further surgery was suggested, however we decided to take her home with a medical and complementary medicine route. She is happy, healthy and getting stronger day by day. Her recent vet check was very positive and we are just so happy to have her back to her healthy, happy self.”

Ellen and Suki, proud RSPCA Pet Insurance and GapOnly® customers, April 2023.     

Testimonials and customer experience may vary depending on individual circumstances. Claims are assessed subject to policy terms and conditions. GapOnly® is a trademark owned by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd (PetSure). Policies are issued by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd and/or PetSure (from 8 May 2023 only). Consider the PDS & TMD before purchasing, available at our partners’ websites. Meet our partners at gaponly.com.au/gaponly-insurance-partners.